The ancient amani were proud and strong, but a trick of fate deprived them of their god's protection and they were enslaved. After winning freedom, the amani vowed "Never Again!" If you like sharp teeth, horns, and fighting for honor, this is the race for you.
- No Stranger to Pain
- When under 30% HP, all damage taken is reduced by 10%.
- Blood of Dragons
- Resistance to DoT effects is increased by 10.
A peaceful and noble race, barakas are ferocious in defense of the weak. Their imposing presence conceals their true strength; baraka are giants in intellect as well as physicality.
- Gather No Moss
- Innate baraka determination increases their resistance to immobility by 10.
- Indefatigable
- Baraka stamina does not fall below 20% while adventuring.
Bold, brash, and independent, the castanics are willing to work together for the common good, but only so far as the common good doesn't take too long or come at too high a price.
- Dirty Fighting
- Castanics have an increased critical hit chance on attacks from behind.
- Light Landing
- Castanics take 50% less falling damage.
Elins are the divine "children" of the goddess Elinu, but do not mistake their waif-like appearance for innocence. Elin generals are among the world's most fearsome.
- Friendly Current
- An elin swims faster than other races. Certain dungeon and field maps have areas where swimming is the best way to get around.
- Botanist
- An elin character gathers plants faster than other races.
Fewer than 100 years ago, the "Children of Karas" were actively at war with most of the world. However, their commitment to cooperation is a logical and necessary part of their culture, and they were among the first forces to stand against the Argon invasion.
- Core Infusion
- Once every two hours, an elf can completely replenish their MP.
- Resilience of Mind
- After resurrecting, an elf continually regenerates MP for a time.
Humans are optimistic, curious about the world, and highly valued as diplomats and leaders. Humans naturally build communities, a trait that helped keep their culture strong during 2000 years of forced exile.
- Resilience of Body
- Humans continuously heal HP after being resurrected.
- Indomitable Spirit
- Humans take less PvP damage when under 30% HP.
The popori kingdom is comprised of animals imbued with a spark of divine energy. When "awakened," they cease to be rabbits, cats, and dogs, becoming instead fearsome defenders of the natural order. Armies of poporis feature heavily in many ancient battles, and no other race can raise an effective fighting force as fast.
- Horizon Run
- Once every 30 minutes, a popori can increase its non-combat speed by 20 for 3 minutes.
- Soothing Presence
- Once an hour, a popori can reduce movement speed by 40% to move freely past aggressive monsters for 1 minute.